Hi, I'm Ponby.
I've been on a journey of healing for most of my life, and along the way, I've learnt a thing or two about dealing with long-drawn chronic illness, and chronic pain.
I'm here to share my story with you.
I was born with dermatitis, a condition that escalated in my early 20s into a debilitating cycle of hospital stays, heavy medications, and a life paused by pain and itchiness. The conventional treatments, including steroids and anti-itch medications, often worsened my condition, leading to side effects like neuropathic pain, cataracts, and osteopenia.
Depression, anxiety, and chronic fatigue became my world. I avoided life's daily activities to escape the pain, even skipping showers to prevent the sting against my raw skin. Movement was minimized to prevent further agony, especially around the joints where skin was often broken and exposed. I can still vividly remember moments where simply turning my head brought uncontrollable tears.
A trip to India for Ayurvedic treatment brought temporary relief, a glimpse of life with normal skin — a sensation I had almost forgotten. But upon returning to Singapore, the dermatitis crept back, rekindling old fears and habits. The pain intensified, though the visible symptoms were less severe, and I retreated into a shell of isolation and despair.
Fed up with living in the shadows, dominated by pain, I took a stand. I delved into research, took courses, and sought therapy to confront my depression and anxiety. Not every attempt was fruitful, but each taught me what didn't work — for me, at least.
Today, I am still in the company of my condition, but I am no longer its prisoner. I have come to terms with my symptoms, regained control over my emotions, and most importantly, I've rediscovered my zest for life. The journey wasn't easy, but it was transformative, equipping me with invaluable insights into healing and the intricate dance between body and mind.
My purpose now is to share this knowledge, to offer solace and guidance to others on similar paths. If my experiences can alleviate the struggles of even one person, then every step of my journey will have been worth it.